Vultures on remains of slain Bengali at the bank of the Brahmaputra river in Mymensingh, Bangladesh. October, 1971. Image via Muktijuddho e-Archive Trust. Photographer: Naib Uddin Ahmed.
1. Genocide Memorial: A Pictorial Tour of the Bengali Holocaust
An on-line museum of images from the 9-month long liberation war dedicated to those who gave their lives for our country.
The story of Bangladesh
Is an ancient one again made fresh
By blind men who carry out commands
Which flow out of the laws upon which nations stand
Which say to sacrifice a people for a landJoan Baez
A collection of images from Bangladesh’s history.
4. Bangla2000 Photo Gallery – Liberation war 1971
5. Bangla Gallery: Images on History, war and Freedom of Bangladesh
6. Images of the liberation war of Bangladesh at Bharat Rakshak

Students on the streets during the non-coperation movement of 1970. Bangladesh. Image via Muktijuddho e-Archive
Trust. Photographer: Rashid Talukder
8. Mohammad Musa Sadik: photo gallery on the liberation war of Bangladesh
9. E-Thikana: Language Movement 1952 – Independence War 1971
10. Picture World Bd – Gallery
11. Bangladesh Liberation War 1971 – a photo essay
12. Genocide 1971: Photo Gallery
13. Bangladesh war 1971 images in Magnum Photo agency
14. Bangladesh war 1971 images at World Press Photo– by Kishore Parekh (1930-1982), an Indian photographer
“Rashid Talukder’s photo of the dismembered head in Rayerbazar, or the Pullitzer winning image by Michel Laurent and Horst Faas, of the bayoneting of Razakars have been used to represent Bangladesh’s war of liberation. Kishor Parekh photographed a different war. An old man held up a tiny flag of the new Bangladesh. A child cast a furtive glance at a corpse in the street. Jubilant children laughed as they ran across mustard fields in bloom. Women shed silent tears. “Shoot me right now, or take me”, he had said to the major who refused to take this unaccredited photographer. But Parekh did board the helicopter, but then went his own way. On his own, with limited film, Parekh photographed the war that ordinary women, men and children had fought.” – Drik Calender 2004
15. Photo Gallery at Kean University
16. Bangladesh: A Brutal Birth – by Kishore Parekh (Link in Bengali).
(Image Credit: Rashid Talukder/Drik/Majority World)
Bangladesh 1971 exhibition by Drik in UK
Exhibition open April 4th – 31st May 2008
A major documentary photographic exhibition of primarily Bangladeshi photographers that focuses on the independence struggle in 1971. The exhibition is produced in partnership with Shahidul Alam, a media activist and journalist from Bangladesh. This will be the first comprehensive review in the UK of one of the most important conflicts in modern history. It is recognised that over a million people died in 266 days during the struggle for an independent Bangladesh.
1971 Bangladesh war of independence – A slide show of 12 images from the above exhibition published in the Guardian Online, UK
Source: Virtual Bangladesh, Kothon
আমার দাদা শহিদ বীর মুক্তিযোদ্ধা মোবারক আলি , আমি তার নাতি হিসাবে কিছু খোজ করতে ছিলাম